Guided Dental Implants: A Hands-On Workshop

Guided Dental Implants A Hands-On Workshop
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New technological inventions and advancements have unlocked numerous ways for dental treatments and surgeries. One such advanced addition is guided implant surgery, an effective alternative to traditional implants that is more accurate, more precise and less invasive. We are discussing a unique 2-day-long workshop on Guided Implant Surgery to escalate the dental practices of various dental professionals as soon they join this workshop.

What is Guided Dental Implant & What Is This Workshop?

The Guided Implant Surgery process is a modern alternative to traditional implant surgeries. This approach utilises advanced 3D technology such as CBCT (cone beam computed tomography) to plan and perform surgery with high precision.

Without the guided approach, the skilled guesswork of a dental professional is the only way to choose the part of the jawbone the dentist will use to place the dental implant. With the digital 3D model, or the ‘Guide’, the dentist knows exactly what to do before the surgery.

Image 3D Conversion, a premier training platform in digital dentistry, has designed a “Two-Day Workshop on Guided Implant Surgery” that caters to new and experienced dental professionals.

In this workshop, you will learn how to transform your traditional practice into a digital one. You’ll also get hands-on training with professional software to create surgical guides and become an expert in guided surgery cases, from single to multiple implants.

What You’ll Learn at the Workshop

You will get knowledge from the basics to the advanced level of implantology with hands-on sessions. The topics which will be included in these two days are as follows:

  • Implant Planning concept
  • Surgical guide design
  • Digital dentistry workflow
  • Clinical and prosthetic validations 
  • Treatment planning software
  • Flap-Flapless concept

Benefits of Attending the Workshop

In these two days, you will understand the principles, resources, and right usage to transform traditional practice into digital. You will get tips and tricks in guided surgery for single to multiple-implant planning. Also, get exclusive professional software training to create your surgical guides. This will be an in-depth understanding of the science and engineering behind guided surgery. These techniques will improve your implant success rate and patient satisfaction.

Course Benefits

  • Become a pro in cutting-edge techniques from industry leaders. 
  • Get comprehensive training in both the clinical and technical aspects 
  • Get hands-on experience to apply your newfound knowledge in real-world scenarios.
  • Receive professional software training used to create precise surgical guides.
  • Enjoy networking opportunities with fellow dental professionals around the world.
  • Boost your dental career with new opportunities in digital implant surgery.
  • Access exclusive resources and materials long after the workshop ends.
  • Get Post-Workshop Support and guidance, helping you implement what you’ve learned.
  • Receive a Blue Sky Lab (USA) certificate that enhances your professional credibility and career prospects.

You will also get Post-Workshop support and guidance to help you implement what you have learned.

Meet our Expert Instructors

Image 3D Conversion is known for arranging dental implant workshops globally for almost 11 years and more.  Our mentors are industry experts in facilitating dental implant surgeries and have trained more than 5000 dental professionals worldwide. Let’s meet some of them.

Sudeep Paul

  • Owner & CEO, Image3D COnversion
  • Mentor, BlueskyPlan, (USA)

A Biomedical application & device engineering expert, Mr Sudeep Paul, is a pioneering force in digital dentistry. With his unwavering dedication to advancing dental practice, Mr Paul has meticulously crafted some transformative courses in the form of workshops drawing on his extensive experience and expertise. 

Mr Paul distils his 16 years of expertise into the comprehensive curriculum of these programs, which is meant to be a game-changer experience for dental professionals.  

 Dr. Satyabodh Guttal

  • BDS, MDS, PhD in Prosthodontics, 
  • Professor of Prosthodontics Department, SDM College.

With over 55 publications and 22 years of experience in Oro-Facial Implant Prosthetics,  Dr. Guttal is the only Indian on the editorial board of the Journal of Prosthodontics. 

The section editor for Maxillofacial Prosthodontics, Karnataka Chapter Prosthodontic Society Journal, he serves as the ad-hoc reviewer for the Indian Journal of Ophthalmology, Indian Journal of Dental Research, Gerodontology and the European Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry.  A few of his achievements include the Perio-India Award 2011 and the Award of Excellence 2018 from the State Head Office- IDA Bangalore.

Who Should Attend This Workshop

If you are one of the following, this workshop is for you. 

  • An Educator who is expanding his teaching/knowledge in digital dentistry
  • An Institution or college encouraging students to explore digital dental practice
  • A certified Dental professional who is interested in setting up a lab to sell surgical guides.
  • Dentists/ Implant professionals struggling to decide the right prosthesis and compromised cases.
  • An expert in implants but missing out on the gem of guided surgery or facing challenges.
  • A dental surgeon frustrated with expensive/inaccurate surgical guides and seeking in-house solutions.
  • A Radiologist or CBCT centre looking to expand into digital implant treatment.
  • A fresher (BDS/MDS graduate) aiming to excel in digital implant dentistry or upgrading knowledge for future practice.

This workshop could transform your career and significantly boost your revenue with a small investment. 

Registration and Contact Information

To register for this workshop, you simply have to click on the workshop image in the sidebar. Then, just fill in your basic information, and you will be registered for this game-changing workshop. Register now and experience the difference. 


Guided implant procedures involve higher precision rates and a shorter surgery time with minimum invasiveness, which leads to a brief recovery period. The primary objective of this surgical technique is to help the implantologist to be precise and accurate with his implant to preserve the maxillary anatomical structure. 

It also enables dental professionals to conduct an aesthetic procedure 2x faster, making them more comfortable and confident about moving ahead with the procedure. 

If you want professional development in dentistry and want to learn advanced dental implant techniques with hands-on dental training, then enrol in this workshop today!

This workshop is a result-oriented, proven technique for dentists looking to boost their careers or kickstart a new practice. Register now!

Also Read: How is AI Transforming Digital Dentistry?


Are guided implant dentistry workshops suitable for beginners?

Yes, this workshop is suitable for freshers (fresh BDS graduates) as well as for seasoned professionals. 

How do I register for the workshop?

You have to simply register by clicking the workshop information given in the sidebar.

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