What is Digital Dentistry: Everything You Need to Know

Digital Dentistry
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Digital technology has overpowered almost every industry, replacing traditional working methods to decrease production time, manual labour, and chances of error while increasing the quantity and quality of products and services.

The dental sector has revolutionised with the use of digital technologies such as 3D printing, intraoral scanners, and milling, providing the sector with huge scopes for dental professionals and patients with mild, moderate, and complex dental issues.

Digital dentistry, on a broader spectrum, is any dental method and technology that involves using computer-based components such as hardware devices and software solutions.

The purpose is to enable dental professionals to deliver treatment with the help of computer-aided tools primarily to minimise human errors and increase precision and customisation. Extracting digital impressions by intraoral scanners and design software significantly speeds up the process of creating dental products and services, reducing manual labour and table time.

Components of Digital Dentistry

1. Digital Imaging & Scanners:

Gone are the days when patients were asked to sit with gooey impression material in their mouths to get an accurate impression. Now, CBCT and intraoral scanners are used to take digital impressions of the patient’s mouth. Dental Cone beam CT (CBCT) scanners are used for taking X-rays of the mouth area, while intraoral scanners or dental 3D scanners replace the conventional impression method. The two scan types can be combined in cases such as when full denture treatment is needed.

2. Computer-Aided Design (CAD) & Manufacturing (CAM):

The use of CAD/CAM in dentistry begins with a digital scan of the patient’s teeth and oral structures. The dentist uses an intraoral scanner to capture precise 3D images of the teeth and gums, which are used to create a digital model. Brands also accept manual impressions, which they digitise in their labs.

3. 3D Printing Technology:

3D printing technologies are used to fabricate various dental devices or dental parts such as aligners, dentures, and crowns. The latest 3D printing technologies include- Stereolithography (SLA), Digital light processing (DLP), Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) and Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM).

Applications of Digital Dentistry

Digital Smile Design (DSD)

A core task for orthodontists and prosthodontists is to design smiles digitally for patients using computer-generated programs. This is basically the technique that involves generating the ideal smile of the patient for which the whole team will work. As per the Digital smile design (DSD), the orthodontist and allied technicians will plan the treatment.

Computer-Guided Implant Placement

In modern dentistry, patient with minimum teeth to no teeth (edentulous) mostly choose dental implants to restore their smiles. Implant placement is a critical procedure that needs acute precision; otherwise, there are risks of gum and soft tissue tears and other surgical complications. To minimise such risks and increase precision, digital guides are ideal for dentists. With the help of these guides, dentists can plan the implant locations and insertion limits exactly before going for the procedure.

Same-Day Dental Restorations

Gone are the days when patients had to wait for days and weeks for dental restorations or refurbishment. Thanks to digital technologies that can restore teeth in the same day with implant restorations. A few common examples of dental restorations include dental crowns, dental bridges, dental implants and dentures.

Orthodontic Treatment Planning

Orthodontic workflows became easier and involved less time with 3D imaging and scanning processes. Orthodontists can evaluate a patient’s malocclusion, and anatomical abnormalities in smile and bite relation. 

Virtual Surgical Planning

Virtual surgical planning (VSP) is a computer program that serves to perform a procedure on a computer-generated model accurately. This technology can be applied to the placement of dental implants, advanced jaw repositioning procedures (orthognathic surgery), inherited deformities, and jaw reconstruction requiring advanced bone grafting.

Tele-dentistry and Remote Consultations

Similar to online education teledentistry and remote consultations also gained popularity during the COVID breakdown. This is simply can be defined as consulting medical practitioners and attending the guidance and treatment through the help of information technology. 

Advantages of Digital Dentistry

1. Enhanced Accuracy and Precision

Advanced digital technologies such as 3D scanning and the usage of computer programs enhance accuracy and provide a precise and customised treatment plan based on the problems faced by the patients and other associated factors.

2. Faster Treatment Times

The major advantage of these technologies is that they eliminate the need for longer treatment durations. Real-time imaging, scanning and impressions provide scopes for a faster treatment plan to curate for the orthodontist.

3. Improved Patient Experience

The less invasive approach and minimising treatment duration improve the overall patient experience.

4. Customisation and Personalisation

The use of advanced imaging and scanning tools makes it possible to have a precise outlook of the patient’s dental condition and plan. This allows the doctor and lab to create a perfect, customised, and tailor-fit treatment plan for each patient.

5. Minimal cost involvement than traditional implant

Traditional treatment approaches were not always as precise as digital plans, as a lot of guesswork was involved, leading to an invasive, timely and costly affair. Since real-time, precise, and minimally invasive approaches are used every time, they save time with minimal cost involved per treatment.

Challenges and Considerations

Despite many advantages, there are a lot of challenges and considerations involved in the digital workflow of dentistry. That includes:

  • Initial investment and training for the advanced technologies and procedures
  • Data security and privacy of patients and cases.  
  • Initial transmission and integration from traditional methods
  • Maintenance

The Future of Digital Dentistry

The field of digital dentistry is continuously evolving. In coming years, more advanced AI approaches along with AR (augmented reality), VR (virtual reality), ML and similar aspects will be included in digital dentistry. These technologies can have the potential to enhance patient experience by minimising procedure time and faster treatment and outcome. With better and quicker outcomes, more practices will join the digital revolution in the coming days. 


In India, the concept of digital dentistry has not yet evolved properly. Only 1-2% of dental professionals here are trained in digital dentistry. But as demand is increasing globally, it’s high time for dental professionals to gear up for advanced techniques to be included in their practices. 

Enrolling in a full-time course for one or two years might create a fuss in your practice. This is where Specialised Courses or short-term courses are useful. 

One of the premier institutes in digital dentistry, Image 3D Conversion, has crafted a “Two-Day Workshop on guided implant surgery” suitable for both freshers and seasoned dental professionals. In this two-day workshop, you will learn the usage of resources and their right usage to transform traditional practice to digital.  Further, you will get trained in professional software to make surgical guides and become an expert in guided surgery cases from single to multiple implants. 

Bonus point: this workshop provides you with strategies for in-house solutions to save costs and improve accuracy.

Course Benefits

  • You will become a Master in cutting-edge techniques from industry leaders. 
  • You will receive comprehensive training in both the clinical and technical aspects 
  • You will get hands-on experience to apply your newfound knowledge in real-world scenarios.
  • You will receive professional software training used to create precise surgical guides.
  • Enjoy Networking Opportunities with fellow dental professionals around the world.
  • Boost Your Career with new opportunities in digital implant surgery.
  • Exclusive Resources: Access exclusive resources and materials long after the workshop ends.
  • Get Post-Workshop Support and guidance, helping you implement what you’ve learned.
  • Receive a Blue Sky Lab (USA) certificate that enhances your professional credibility and career prospects.

After completing this workshop, you will become a digital implant professional, which will be of enormous value and add depth to your dental career. If you are ready to take the next step to boost your dental career, this is your chance. Learn more about the workshop.

Also Read: What are Digital Denture


How does digital dentistry benefit patients?

Dental technology supports patient education by providing visual aids and explanations that are easy to understand. With 3D images and digital models, dentists can show patients their dental issues and explain treatment plans more effectively.

Is digital dentistry more expensive than traditional methods?

The technologies involved are costly compared to traditional tools and equipment but precise planning and a less-invasive approach control future expenses.

Does digital dentistry involve a heavy cost to set up?

It comes in an affordable, expensive and collaborative investment program. 

Can digital dentistry improve treatment outcomes?

Yes, the advanced imaging technologies, computer programs and models all together provide a very clear and detailed picture of the dental anatomy of the patients. This leads to a precise treatment plan that provides improved and better outcomes than traditional treatment approaches.


  1. Musharraf, M. A. (2024). “The Impact of Digital Technologies on Dental Practices. Journal of Dentistry, 52(3), 156-163.
  2. Inchiyan, S., & Al-Hassiny, A. (2023). “Digital Dentistry: Past, Present, and Future.” IntechOpen.
  3. “Latest Advances in Digital Dentistry.” Dentistry Journal, MDPI.
  4. “Digital Workflow in Restorative Dentistry: An Overview.” Institute of Digital Dentistry.
  5. Schafer, T., & Heindel, M. (2022). “Applications of CAD/CAM Technology in Prosthodontics.” International Journal of Prosthodontics, 35(1), 45-50.
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