What is Guided Implant Surgery: Everything You Need to Know

Guided Implant Surgery
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Technical advancements have paved numerous ways for dental treatments and surgeries. One such advanced addition is guided implant surgery, an effective alternative to traditional implants that is more accurate and less invasive. 

In this article, we will discuss concepts related to guided implant surgery, such as benefits, procedures, etc. Let’s begin.

What is Guided Implant Surgery?

The Guided Implant Surgery process is a modern alternative to traditional implant surgeries. This approach utilises advanced 3D technology such as CBCT (cone beam computed tomography) to plan and perform the surgery with high precision. 

Without the guided approach, skilled guesswork of a dental professional is the only way to choose the part of the jawbone the dentist will use to place the dental implant. While with the digital 3D model, or the ‘Guide’, the dentist knows what to do exactly before going in for the surgery.

Why Should You Prefer A Guided Implant?

Guided Implant procedure involves higher precision rates and a shorter surgery time with minimum invasiveness that leads to a short recovery period. This surgical technique’s primary objective is to help the implantologist to be precise and accurate with his implant to preserve the maxillary anatomical structure. 

It also enables them to conduct an aesthetic procedure 2x faster.

This makes the dental professionals more comfortable and confident about moving ahead with the procedure. 

Benefits of Guided Implant Surgery


Guided dental implant surgery is designed for each patient so you can be sure about the exact implant placement and restoration tailored for the mouth anatomy. 

Higher accuracy and predictability

A surgical guide helps the dentist place the implant correctly by identifying angles and locations essential for placing an implant in the jaw. It also provides dental professionals with better precision and allows them to visualise each step clearly, which, in turn, leads to safer implant placement and restoration.

Faster recovery period

Since the procedure is known for being precise, the surgical damage in the bone and gum tissue is smaller and specific. In addition, being a relatively less invasive technique, the surgery takes less time to recover.

Decreased pain and more comfort

Traditional implants can be painful as the process is not as precise as the guided surgeries.  The guide ensures the implant is placed safely in the correct position, which minimises tissue damage and trauma and helps prevent the implant from being placed too deep or too shallow, which may lead to pain and discomfort.

Lifetime Solution

Guided surgery helps enhance the prolonged outcome of the implant-supported restoration by providing the patients with quality of life and well-being. After the implant placements they can enjoy normal teeth functioning, including chewing food, clear speech and overall health for a long time. These implants will act just like your natural teeth roots for a lifetime if taken proper care as per your dentist’s advice. 

Guided Implant Surgery & Traditional Implant Surgery: What’s the difference?

Traditional Implant Surgery

The conventional method of placing implants involves manual procedures from the beginning to the end of your treatment. The patient’s oral anatomy and other assessments are done through X-rays or CT scans. Then, the dental professional places the implants into the jawbone at a depth and angle that he believes is the most appropriate. Only after the operation the dentist can check the implant’s positioning. It involves more surgical risks including loss and tear of blood and soft tissue.  

Guided Implant

A guided implant is an advanced method that creates digital impressions to precisely simulate the patient’s dentition and bite. This allows the dentist to obtain a more detailed and magnified view of the implant site for highly improved implant placement. Here, the dentist already performed the surgery virtually before chairing the patient for the procedure. This less invasive procedure involves minimum injury and does not hurt nearby bone and gum tissues. 

Steps of a Guided Implant Surgery:


Step 1:

Initial Consultation—This step is common and vital in every dental treatment procedure. In your first consultation, your doctor will thoroughly discuss your problem and situation before proceeding with his expert advice.

Step 2:

Imaging —In this step, the dentist will take a CT scan of your mouth and examine it. Then, these images will be sent to the implant planning partner, with the details of  the required no. of  implants and surgical kit being used.

Step 3:

Planning- The images of your oral anatomy and all your concerns and conditions will be taken into account. The   implant planning partner  and your dentist discuss possible surgical plans based on these factors. A software is used to plan your customised guide based on the images and scans.

Step 4:

Once the implant position is locked in, creation of Surgical Guide- As per the plan a computer aided design (CAD) file is made,  dental guide expert customised virtual guide.

Step 5:

Printing- This virtual guide design (CAD) file is now fabricated or printed with the help of  3D printing techniques.

Step 6:

Pre-Surgical Preparation—Your dentist will elaborate on the procedure, provide you medications and necessary do’s and do n’ts so that you are prepared enough for the surgery. 

Step 7:

Implant Placement- Your dentist will perform the guided implant surgery adhering to the guide compromised earlier.

Step 8:

Follow up: After the implant/s you have to visit your dentist for post-operative care and instructions to retain the results.

Who Can Benefit from Guided Implant Surgery?

  • Patients with complex bone anatomy or limited bone availability: Computer-guided implant surgery can be particularly beneficial in certain situations. Consider this treatment option if the patient requires three or more implants to be placed sequentially or when implant placement is critical to the success of the proposed restorations.
  • Patients requiring multiple implants or full-arch restorations: Patients who have problems with the structure or volume of their bone or require significant alteration of bony anatomy may benefit from computer-guided implant surgery.
  • Cases with specific aesthetic or functional requirements: Fully edentulous people or patients who require immediate extraction followed by immediate implant placement could be suitable for this type of treatment.
  • Patients having existing implants: Computer-guided surgery can help to reduce problems concerning the proximity of existing implants or adjacent teeth.
  • Medically challenged people: Being minimally invasive it can be helpful for people with several health conditions like heart patients or other health issues. 
  • Old age People: This procedure is helpful and more practical for senior citizens as it involves a limited period of treatment time and faster recovery period.  
  • Young aged patients: This procedure is beneficial for young patients as it is a long term solution for tooth loss. With proper care and regular visit to doctor these implants can work lifetime.  
  • Athletes: People with a highly active lifestyle and prone to injury will be extremely benefitted with this treatment as it is meant for highly precise, accurate and less invasive procedure than traditional implants.   

Recovery and Aftercare

  • Post-Surgery Care Instructions: Maintaining good oral hygiene while recovering from surgical treatment is critical. During the first 24 hours after the procedure, it may be helpful to rinse out your mouth with a warm salt water solution. Do not use mouthwash or any other medicated solution to rinse. After 24 hours, you can brush your teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Take medications and follow directions that have been prescribed to you as directed.
  • Follow-Up Appointment: Following up with your concerned doctor is vital for a smooth and fast dental implant recovery.
  • Expected Recovery Timeline: Ideally 2 days to one week is essential to recover from implant surgeries depending on factors like types of treatment, age, health and hygiene. If you only receive one or two implants and do not receive bone or tissue grafts, the recovery period will be as little as 1-2 days. If more than two dental implants and grafts are included, recovery can take closer to a week or two.

Long-Term Maintenance

Your dental implants function the same way your natural teeth do. In the long run, it is important to brush, floss, rinse, and follow up with your dentist regularly for check-ups, cleaning, and maintenance. 

While you won’t get cavities in your dental implants, they are susceptible to regular wear and tear, so the better care you give them, the longer they will last and the stronger they will be. It is also important to take good care of the gum tissue surrounding your implants, as the health of your gums is connected directly to the health and strength of the supporting jaw bones.

There are many different surgical guides available to serve various options. These devices are helpful for many reasons, including easy identification of angles and locations, streamlined placement process, increased accuracy, and cost-effectiveness. These guides are also beneficial for patients by reducing the possibility of complications and increasing comfort.

If you are considering implants for you or any close one, check out our websites for more information. 


Is Guided Implant Surgery Safe?

Yes, guided implant surgery is a safe and efficient procedure that reduces the risk of human error with the best-looking result.

What Technology is Used in Guided Implant Surgery?

This approach to dental surgery utilises advanced dental technology such as CBCT (3D cone beam computed tomography) to plan and perform the surgery with high precision.

What Is The Cost of Guided Implant Surgery?

The cost of guided implant surgery in India for one implant can vary from INR 6,000 to INR 25,000 or more depending on the brand, age and complexity of the patient and other factors. 

Does Guided Implant Surgery Hurt?

Due to sedation and local anaesthesia is given, the patient will not feel any pain. However one may feel pressure on the jaw after the surgery for some time. 

How Long Does Implant Placement Take in Guided Implant Surgery?

One dental implant placement needs 20-30 minutes using guided implant surgery. 

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